Saturday, September 11, 2010

Begin Anywhere...

I had to read An Incomplete Manifesto by Bruce Mau, of Bruce Mau Designs for my Design class. And while it was a very inspiring, motivating read, the one thing that hit me pretty hard was # 9 taken from John Cage stating that not knowing where to begin is a common form of paralysis. I have that!!!! I literally feel like I can't even take another step when starting a new project. So I watch a little Simpsons, peruse my favorite Etsy artist's shops, eat some cheese and lo and behold I STILL don't know where to start. At this point I start sweating a little, my heart starts racing and then I take the dog for a walk. By then it is dinner time and I have laundry to do and the next thing you know, bedtime.

His advice? Begin anywhere.

ps the pic is of me beginning my first ever outdoor bouldering climb that I actually completed!

1 comment:

  1. I get the same way! I feel like I am there right now, too. I have had so many possible paths laid before me. Some are extremely overwhelming to even think about. Others make me feel like I wouldn't be accomplishing anything. Another is just for fun, but would be a good learning experience. For me, writing my thoughts in my journal help me to "think out loud". I start off complaining to myself about what is going on. Then I proceed to brainstorm right there with pen in hand. When I get to the end I feel like I had just talked things over with my best friend. Does that make sense??
