Monday, January 18, 2010

Master Gardener's Course

I am taking the local Master Gardener's class and so far it is awesome! Did my first assignment and now know I have a Tree Aeonium, Aeonium arboreum var. arboreum plant in my home, I think... I guess I will have to wait till my assignment is graded. I bought this plant because it reminded me of my late kitty, Hannah's Bee. She was a beautiful, fluffy Maine Coon (I convinced myself that she was at least part this, I got her at the Humane Society)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jenny! I found your blog through looking at your Etsy shop. I wish I had gone on to do metal work on top of my beading. I have such visions of things I want to buy as pendants and such but when I look online i can never find them. Maybe a little further on down the road. Your work is amazing! I love using gems. I don't even like looking at glass beads unless they are lampwork and very interesting.

    Anyways, I think it is awesome you are taking the Master Gardener's class. Shawn took the one here, but it sounds like the one you are taking is a little more involved. I am excited to see more updates on your blog! Give Heath my love. And some for you, too!!!
